NSN delivered Asahi Intecc Hanoi project on schedule

NSN delivered Asahi Intecc Hanoi project on schedule

On March 2, 2020, the Asahi Intecc Hanoi Factory Upgrade Project was officially accepted by the Owner and started commissioning the items as committed in the contract.

The project has a total construction area of ​​18,140 m2, starting construction in May 2019, including demolition items, temporary works, new construction, and lump sum electromechanical works for two parking buildings, locker rooms, and a canteen and an office. It also includes the construction of a temporary canteen, a temporary parking lot for the Owner in the construction process. According to the plan, the project was handed over to the Owner on schedule with outstanding quality.

The project was inspected and accepted in stages. By the beginning of January 2020, the parking buildings and locker rooms were accepted to meet the needs of the Owner. By the beginning of March 2020, the rest of the project including the canteen and office was handed over. With the timely and high-quality handover, NSN has contributed to facility improvement, creating a friendly work environment so that the factory can operate more reasonably and conveniently.

This is a pioneering project in which we applied ISO 9001: 2015 certification for quality management and ISO 45001: 2018 certification for Occupational Health & Safety Management System were applied. In this project, JQA audits of the company’s ISO systems were also carried out in 2019 and early 2020.

The successful implementation of the EPC package has once again affirmed the prestige and quality of NSN along with the long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation of the two parties, even though it only started with the door renovation package for Q&A department with the price of 213 USD.

Some project images:

By |2020-06-10T15:10:30+00:00June 10th, 2020|Company news, News|0 Comments