Labor policy

Working Regime

  • Working time: 48 hours/week
  • Office hours: 8:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 17:00
  • Rest break: 10:00 - 10:10 and 15:00 - 15:10
  • Two days off on Saturdays each month and Sundays every week
  • Holiday and leave policies under Labor Law regulations.

Salary, bonus, and treatment policies

To provide conditions for employees to feel comfortable in their work and long-term commitment, NSN always allows employees to enjoy salary and bonus regimes according to clear regulations:

  • The salary policy is built based on assigned work and performed work efficiency
  • The company periodically evaluates employee performance to determine salary and benefit increases, based on feedback from direct leaders
  • In addition to the basic salary, employees are also supported with lunch allowances, travel allowances, foreign language allowances, etc
  • Support when encountering difficulties, support to buy a house, etc
  • Bonus shares and stocks: Senior managers who contributed significantly to the company's growth will be considered proportional dividends. The quantity of shares depends on each person's contribution and commitment, according to the assessment of the Board of Directors. 

Benefits Policy

All official employees of the company receive benefits and policies in compliance with Vietnam Labor Law:

  • Deduct social and health insurance for employees by current legislation. Maternity benefits, sick leave, workplace accident insurance, etc. In addition, the company will consider buying some other types of insurance
  • Periodic health check: once per year
  • Union activities take place regularly to make conditions for employees to enhance their health and spirit
  • Organize programs, parties and gifts for staff on Tet holidays, March 8, October 20, June 1, birthdays, weddings, visiting ailing parents, etc
  • Every year, the company organizes trips and vacations for staff to regenerate labor and develop employee solidarity.