NSN set up health check for all staff in 2024

As a part of the employee compensation policy, NSN took place the annual health check at the Hanoi headquarters and Ho Chi Minh representative office at the end of March. 


Every year, NSN collaborates with experienced doctors and nurses from international healthcare systems to provide high-quality health examination services to every employee. In 2024, NSN chose Medlatec Hospital for the annual health check program. A service package includes a full range of clinical examinations, laboratory tests and diagnostic imaging. Periodic health check-ups help employees understand more individual health status to quickly adjust their diet and activities 


Accordingly, the health check schedule is allocated as follows:   

  • In Hanoi: collect testing samples from March 25 - 26, 2024 at Hanoi headquarters and general examination from March 27 - 28, 2024 at Medlatec Ba Dinh Hospital.  
  • In Ho Chi Minh: collect testing samples and general examination at Medlatec Phan Van Tri Hospital from March 22-23, 2024.  

With orientation to building corporate culture – “People are the core of development”, organizing annual health check demonstrates company concern for the lives and health of employees. Staff can work with peace of mind and continue contributing to the development and success of the business.   

Annual health checks are the best way to detect workers' health concerns early and suggest the most effective treatment methods to reduce the risk of dangerous disease consequences, save costs and treatment time of employees. This is also an opportunity to help the Board of Directors understand the health situation of staff. Each employee understands and listens to their health to change bad behaviors and maintain good ones. Therefore, they will have a good working spirit to dedicate and produce more quality products.