NSN expresses gratitude to the senior and middle managers
We would like to begin this article with deep and sincere gratitude to all senior and middle managers of NSN on the occasion of its 20th anniversary. A journey of 20 years with your tireless efforts and endless dedication has created the success and development of NSN today.

A gift for the families of senior and middle NSN officers
During the past time, you have not only been excellent leaders but also trusted friends and companions. We would like to express our special gratitude to your families, who have always been by your side and supported you in every challenge and difficulty. Your families are invaluable sources of encouragement and solid foundations that help you confidently and creatively work daily.
We understand the importance of family support in each individual's life and career. That is an invaluable support for which NSN never ceases to be grateful and respectful.
We are proud of our team of talented and passionate employees, who are always ready to overcome all difficulties to achieve the company's goals, constantly innovating and creating, and bringing special values for customers and employees. This is why NSN is proud and grateful to each individual.

General Director - Mr. Thach Hoang Ngoc spoke at the gratitude ceremony
We have gone through 20 years with ups and downs, but the only thing that has not changed is NSN's commitment to building sustainable values for the future. We will continue our work, constantly striving, creating better things, and evolving to meet all future challenges and opportunities.
We sincerely thank you for your companionship and contribution and appreciate the opportunity to work with you. We are one family, one team, and together, we will continue to build new successes and contribute to the development of NSN.
Thank you for always being an important part of NSN's journey!