Learning experience at NSN – International exchange event
On August 29, NSN Construction and Engineering Joint Stock Company (NSN) organized a meeting to welcome a delegation of professors and students from Chiba University of Technology, Japan. The event not only has a special meaning but also opens an interesting opportunity to interact and learn directly for future engineers in the NSN environment.
The visit was organized within the framework of the international exchange program of the VJCC Institute, with the aim of creating opportunities to exchange and share knowledge and experiences between the two countries, Vietnam and Japan.
The program brought a valuable experience to students from Chiba University of Technology when they visited and directly learned about the workspace at NSN. The practical knowledge imparted by leading experts in the field has helped students better understand how NSN applies knowledge to business practice.

Not only about work but also about cultural exchange, this event has contributed to promoting the exchange relationship between the two countries. Understanding how to work and apply knowledge in the Vietnamese business environment hasgiven students new views and increased their motivation for their learning journey and future careers.
NSN expects that this connection will continue to grow, bringing more opportunities for cooperation and interesting exchange experiences in the future.