Spica Viet Nam Factory

Spica Viet Nam Factory2018-05-15T02:08:54+00:00

Project Description

NSN is the general contractor for the expansion project of Spica including: electrical system, substation, lighting system, FF system, renovating workshop and offices, canteen, tanks. This project was implemented within 2 months – from September to November 2010. In compliment letter sent to NSN, Spica expressed their recongnition for the capacity of NSN to complete the project on schedule and reach the requirements of Spica.NSN is the general contractor for the expansion project of Spica including: electrical system, substation, lighting system, FF system, renovating workshop and offices, canteen, tanks. This project was implemented within 2 months – from September to November 2010. In compliment letter sent to NSN, Spica expressed their recongnition for the capacity of NSN to complete the project on schedule and reach the requirements of Spica.

Project Details

Skills Needed:
